Miscarriage Matters NZ Incorporated

Miscarriage Matters NZ Incorporated

A voice for miscarriage and to improve the experience of miscarriage in NZ by empowering people with information, advocacy and support.


Help us bridge the gap in care for women experiencing miscarriage by supporting Miscarriage Matters New Zealand. Far too often, the support and resources available for those facing miscarriage fall short compared to the care provided during a healthy delivery. We’re aiming to change that through MMNZ – an organisation solely dedicated to addressing miscarriage, consolidating existing services, and advocating for education, openness, and empathy around this often overlooked experience.

Your contribution will enable us to create a unified support system, ensuring clear pathways, accessible information, and compassionate services for individuals navigating through this challenging time.

Every donation will directly assist in delivering care packages to families in Canterbury, the West Coast, North Shore (Auckland), South Auckland, and Wellington, with the ultimate goal of extending this support nationwide.

Join us in making a difference and providing comfort to those affected by miscarriage across New Zealand.

*If you wish to direct your donation specifically to Tessa at our Auckland Chapter, kindly include this in your comment ❤

More about us

MMNZ was founded by sisters Corrine Christian & Aleisha Black. Both women were pregnant at the same time, however Corrine experienced a miscarriage. It was the huge contrast in the care that they received that prompted them to start MMNZ.

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Latest update

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Information pamphlets now available  22 May 2024

In March we launched a miscarriage information pamphlet, and this is being distributed to healthcare professionals across the country. More information is available on our website.

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Latest donations

Luarell 7 days ago
I’ve just had a missed miscarriage, I found your website helpful and informative, and would like to see your work continue.
Kate on 24 Jun 2024
Thank-you for supporting me, my husband and other couples as they experience a miscarriage.
Miscarriage Matters NZ Incorporated

Thank you Kate x

Miscarriage Matters NZ Incorporated
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Jun 2024
In memory of Gus Beran.
Miscarriage Matters NZ Incorporated

Thinking of you, and Gus x

Miscarriage Matters NZ Incorporated
Luarell on 21 Jun 2024
I’ve just had a missed miscarriage, I found your website helpful and informative, and would like to see your work continue.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 May 2024
Miscarriage Matters NZ Incorporated

Thank you so much for your donation ❤

Miscarriage Matters NZ Incorporated

Who's involved?

Miscarriage Matters NZ Incorporated's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Miscarriage Matters NZ Incorporated (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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