Marlborough Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Society

Marlborough Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Society

The Marlborough Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's society supports individuals and families affected by these conditions.


The society employs a Community Educator/Registered Nurse to provide home visits, support groups, referrals, medication advice, social activities, exercise and educational seminars.

Resources are available for people living with, and affected by these conditions.

The society is supported by Parkinsons And Multiple Sclerosis to ensure that people are provided with a world-class service with advise provided by a team of neurologists, geriatricians and GP's.

The Marlborough division is staffed by dedicated volunteers and relies on fundraising and grants to continue the service.

More about us

We are a non-profit organisation run by volunteers who raise money to help our clients with health issues, exercise classes and advice. We have recently employed a Health Educator (trained registered Nurse) to help our growing list of clients with Parkinsons Disease and Multiple Sclerosis.

Our Mission Statement

'To offer professional support, information and education for people with, and those providing care for people with Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson's.

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Latest update

Parkinson's for Poppy  6 July 2016

A BIG thank you to Gina Mitchell who is attempting her first ever half marathon and is raising money for the Marlborough Division as a tribute to her Father recently diagnosed with Parkinson's.

All the best Gina - and THANK YOU

(From the Marlborough Committee)

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Latest donations

Ray White Blenheim & Picton
Thanks to those that booked an appraisal with us during our campaign. Ray White Blenheim & Picton were donating $20 per appraisal booked during this campaign, so this is the donation.
Ray White Blenheim & Picton

Thank you for your donation Bob!

Ray White Blenheim & Picton
Ray White Blenheim & Picton

Thank you very much for your generous donation Mark! It is greatly appreciated 😊

Ray White Blenheim & Picton
Ray White Blenheim & Picton

Thank you very much for your donation Hayley!

Ray White Blenheim & Picton
Ray White Blenheim & Picton

Thank you for your donation Bridget!

Ray White Blenheim & Picton

Who's involved?

Marlborough Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Society's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Marlborough Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Society (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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