Motu Trails Charitable Trust

Motu Trails Charitable Trust

The Motu Trails Charitable Trust helps manage, maintain and promote the Motu Trails. Trail access is free so please consider supporting us!

Bay of Plenty

Motu Trails ( is one of the Great Rides on Nga Haerenga, New Zealand Cycle Trails. At Motu Trails Charitable Trust, we manage, maintain and promote the trails. We develop free trail brochures, provide free/current trail info online; do regular maintenance on Pakihi and Dunes Trail; drive trail extensions and enhancements such as shelters; assist trail-related services; and more. Access to Motu Trails is 100% free so if you've used the trails, please consider supporting us. Thank you!

More about us

At Motu Trails Charitable Trust, we help manage and promote the Motu Trails for the good of visitors and locals alike. With trail access 100% free, we depend on grants and donations. Thank you.

Use of funds

Your donation will help Motu Trails Charitable Trust to promote and manage Motu Trails — benefiting all users.

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Latest update

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Busy trail work  6 January 2025

As always lots has been going on around the trails. Our general Motu Trails maintenance usually sees us on Pakihi Track once a week, more following a storm, and on the Dunes Trail about once every two weeks. (We had three slips up to 20m across to clear in September/October 2024.) Projects in the last eight months have included installing multiple sections of culvert pipe on the Pakihi, a set of pullup bars on the Dunes Trail, two culverts on the Waiotahe Trail, signage, plus doing a short trail realignment and section of resurfacing on the Dunes Trail, a bench seat on the Pakihi, repairing two shelters on the Motu Road, and plenty more. Once again 2024 saw three community planting days on the Dunes Trail, and week after week volunteer Peter clears the predator traps, which is why the bird life is increasing. Thank you to all the people who have chosen to ride/walk/run the trails, it's always great seeing people of all ages out there. Thank you too to all those who help in many different ways to keep it all happening. To those who make a donation to support Motu Trails, awesome and thank you, it does help us! Jim, Motu Trails Charitable Trust.

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Latest donations

Carol on 17 Jan 2025
Motu Trails Charitable Trust

Thank you for the generous donation Carol, awesome! Donations support our work on the trails, it really helps :) Jim

Motu Trails Charitable Trust
Cam and Ery
Cam and Ery on 01 Jan 2025
Motu Trails Charitable Trust

Thank you for the donation to the trails Cam and Ery! Nga mihi Jim

Motu Trails Charitable Trust
Robyn on 10 Nov 2024
Motu Trails Charitable Trust

Thank you for supporting Motu Trails Charitable Trust Robyn! I hope you had a great ride :) Jim

Motu Trails Charitable Trust
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted on 27 Jun 2024
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift. Aren’t they awesome!
Motu Trails Charitable Trust

Thank you for choosing to donate your tax credit :)

Motu Trails Charitable Trust
Kim on 22 Dec 2023
Motu Trails Charitable Trust

Thank you Kim! Your donation helps us look after the trails so it's really appreciated. Happy Christmas :) Jim

Motu Trails Charitable Trust

Who's involved?

Motu Trails Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Motu Trails Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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