Last year we provided 3,753 parcels, feeding 12,586 people. We need your help so we can continue helping those in need in our community.
The Nelson Community Food Bank delivers food parcels to families and individuals experiencing hardship in the Nelson/Tasman area.
We rely on the generosity of our community and our wonderful team of volunteers to provide food parcels to those in need.
Last year we delivered over 3,500 parcels feeding over 12,000 people. These are huge numbers that are only going up with the increased cost of living and we are struggling to keep up with the demand for our services.
We need your help. Large or small, every donation helps.
A donation of $55 can provide a food parcel for a family of 2, a donation of $100 can provide a food parcel for a family of 4 and a donation of $150 can provide a food parcel for a family of 7.
Larger donations can be used to purchase bulk quantities of pantry staples that will last us for weeks and ensure we can continue providing our vital service.
We really couldn't do what we do without your help. The Nelson Community Food Bank is incredibly grateful for any donation, small or large, and will do everything we can to make every dollar count. On behalf of everyone at the Nelson Community Food Bank, thank you.
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And for more information on our operation please check out our website: