Otago Access Radio

Otago Access Radio

Every dollar you donate helps give Ōtepoti Dunedin people a voice in the media.


Your support will enable locals from age 9 to 90-plus to make podcasts and radio shows by, for and about our diverse communities.

Your donation to OAR FM will make it possible for us to provide podcasting and broadcasting training, help us to maintain equipment for online content and broadcasts on 105.4FM, 1575AM broadcasts, and support initiatives such as free access to the podcasts and radio shows for young people through Youth Zone.

More about us

Our non-profit Access Media station has a unique role as an essential community service that serves local communities and cultures overlooked by mainstream media. Through podcasts and radio shows by, for and about women, youth, children, Māori, Pacific communities, other ethnic communities (including former refugees), LBGTQI+ individuals and groups, people with disabilities, the elderly and people from a range of religious and ethical beliefs, the station provides a voice for the underrepresented.

OAR podcasts and radio shows are proudly local, speak to our communities’ experiences, in their own languages, and encourage respect for multiple viewpoints.

OAR FM is wholly and independently owned by the Hills Radio Trust, a registered charity (CC 21837).

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Sep 2024
I wish my donation to support 'Rewilding in Action' with Maureen Howard
Paul on 19 Jul 2024
Otago Access Radio

Many thanks for your donation, Paul! Your support is hugely appreciated.

Otago Access Radio
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Apr 2023
Paul on 15 Oct 2021
Thanks to the people putting together Bluesology, The vinyl Vault and 360 Wazrock. Most enjoyable.
Otago Access Radio

Hi Paul! Thank you so much for your generous donation! I am glad you are enjoying the music shows! We really appreciate it!

Otago Access Radio
Steve & Litia Buller
Steve & Litia Buller on 25 Aug 2020
Otago Access Radio

Huge thanks, Steve and Litia. And keep making great radio, sharing music the way at was meant to be heard!

Otago Access Radio

Who's involved?

Otago Access Radio's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Otago Access Radio (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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