We provide free string music tuition for children in the Hastings (Heretaunga) area who may not otherwise be afforded this opportunity.
Hawke's Bay
Music is a wonderful tool for social upliftment and the Orokohanga Music Trust believes that music has the power to change lives. Support and assistance from the community helps to enable the ongoing provision of violin and cello tuition for the children of Ebbett Park School, Hastings Central School and Hastings & Heretaunga Intermediate Schools, bringing pleasure to approximately 270 children and their whanau.
We provide free string music tuition to children in the Hastings area who may not otherwise have this opportunity
Funds will be used to purchase instruments and equipment and to pay music teachers. All administration, legal, accounting and other costs are donated by our supporters and friends.
Many thanks for your wonderful support - we appreciate it!
Kia ora. You are most welcome. We really appreciate your support as whanau!
Tēnā rawa atu koe - thank you very much for supporting us :-)
Thank you so much fellow musicians! We are grateful for your wonderful support.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe - thank you for your kind words and we are incredibly grateful for your generous donation. We love that you had a wonderful time at the concert. Thank you for helping us to nurture the musical talent of our tamariki.
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