We're here to help parents build strong and resilient families/whanau free from abuse and neglect
Parent Help is a non-profit organisation that is dedicated to educating parents and helping families in New Zealand. We cater for all parenting issues from the smallest problem to the most serious issue of child abuse.
We support parents and caregivers to enhance their parenting skills, manage their child’s behaviour and learn positive alternatives to help prevent abuse and neglect.
We have the only parenting helpline in New Zealand that is available 24/7. We receive some 2500 calls on this helpline each year and we train and manage the volunteers that staff the helpline after hours.
In Wellington, we also provide affordable family therapy, counselling and parenting courses such as “Different Approach – Different Response” for parents of teenagers, as well as general information and resources. This embodies our philosophy to help children through helping parents, whatever their means.
Parent Help supports parents to raise strong and resilient families/whānau
Funds will be used to increase awareness of our free parenting Helpline and ensure that all parents know they can get support and advice on their parenting challenges