Supporting a Positive Future for Children of People Serving a Sentence.
Supporting a Positive Future for Children of People Serving a Sentence.
Our vision is that all NZ children and families living with whānau in prison are supported and empowered to live happy, healthy lives.
Aotearoa NZ has an incredibly high rate of incarceration per capita. The families of those in prison serve an invisible, social sentence: one of stigma, hardship, grief, and in many cases trauma. Children of prisoners are nearly 10 times more likely than their peers to one day be incarcerated themselves.
Pillars does not view our tamariki (children) and rangatahi (youth) as Aotearoa's future prisoners, but as children of promise and potential- who have the right to a bright and positive future.
Pillars supports the children and whānau of those in prison from a strengths-based and mana-enhancing approach via our two core programmes:
- Community based (in house) social work support tailored to the needs of each whānau
- Mentoring for children and youth aged 5-17 years old.
These programmes are currently operating in Auckland and Christchurch.
We also have Pathway Centres based in certain prisons offering direct support.
We also provide Wrap Around Whānau social work support for whānau with mental health requirements in Auckland and Hamilton.
Pillars was founded over 30 years ago as a charity supporting one of Aotearoa's most vulnerable yet invisible populations- children with parents in prison. After three decades, Pillars children and families were honored to be named as the NZ Community of the Year at the New Zealander of the Year Awards in 2018.
My Journey - an art exhibition created by Children of Prisoners 28 September 2016
Children of prisoners with the support of their Pillars mentors have created an art exhibition to mark Children of Prisoner's Week. The exhibition is called My Journey and brings their voices to our awareness. Through their art works we see these children have hopes, dream, fears and ideas like all children. We see that we need to support them to be the people they are destined to be - not our future prisoners.
Pillars ambassador Miriama Kamo shares her thoughts on the exhibition and how we can all do something to support these children. Take a look.