This page is to help maintain the Puhoi Centennial Hall as a historical building for community use
Puhoi Centennial Hall sis not owned by the Auckland Council. The halls on crown land and vested to the community of Puhoi to administer and run and a community hall. The hall is and incorporated society with membership to ensure it remains under community control. Members can join for $10 a year per household or person. Membership numbers are important when applying for funding. Your donation will go towards running costs, power, insurance etc ... along with bigger projects such as building repair work, furnishings, lighting, repainting or renovations within the guild-lines of historical buildings. Current projects include an all weather vehicle access area for catering functions from the kitchen.
The Puhoi Centennial Hall is a valued and historic part of the village. It is maintained and run by the community and is available for hire for events.
The hall was opened on Easter Monday 1900. One of the first functions was a dance to raise funds for the cricket club. Functions from then on included regular dances, silent movies, weddings and boxing nights. In later years the Catholic Balls became an annual event.
The Hall, originally funded by shareholders, it was renamed at the 1963 centenary of Puhoi and gifted to the people of Puhoi. This remarkable public facility continues to be used to this day for almost every sort of celebration and event.
Number 1271923 View Certificate Of Incorporation
Incorporated 29-JAN-2003
Current Status REGISTERED
Organisation Type Incorporated Society