Rongopai House Community Trust

Rongopai House Community Trust

Partnering with whanau struggling with the effects of poverty. Bringing hope and lasting change in the Far North of New Zealand.


Rongopai House confronts the deep challenges of domestic violence, child and sexual abuse, drug and alcohol abuse in the Far North.

Our practical, compassionate, restorative action for mothers, fathers and children brings hope and change for whanau caught in the intergenerational, cyclic traps of poverty and abuse. Through education, mentoring, whanau coaching and advocacy, our faith-based organisation equips families with the tools and support they need to achieve lasting transformation.

More about us

Help us bring hope and lasting change for whanau in the Far North.

We are a New Zealand based registered charity that partners with whanau affected by poverty, empowering them to build a better life.

When you contribute to this valuable work, your much needed financial help pays for:

- Mother and child welfare supplies.

- The Women's Development Pathways Manager.

- Community Services Manager.

- Whanau Coach / Social Worker

- Teaching resources.

- Operations centre, administration and management.

- The Trust's vehicle running expenses.

- Debt counselling and budgeting services.


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Latest donations

Elisabeth 1 day ago
Elisabeth on 26 Jun 2024
Elisabeth on 26 May 2024
Elisabeth on 26 Apr 2024
Elisabeth on 26 Mar 2024

Who's involved?

Rongopai House Community Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rongopai House Community Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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