South Island Kokako Charitable Trust

South Island Kokako Charitable Trust

The South Island Kokako Charitable Trust was setup to find and protect this once thought-extinct species, Callaeas cinerea, the elusive bird


A considerable body of scientific evidence has been gathered over the past thirty years in support of the continued existence of the South Island kokako. Yet due to the bird’s incredibly shy and secretive visual nature, coupled with its unusual nature of very rarely producing vocalizations, it has proven impossible to date to acquire unequivocal video or photographic evidence.

The trust has received over 200 observations of South Island Kokako and, where possible, investigates and validates these observations.

In 2010 the Department of Conservation was forced to revoke the 'extinct' status of the bird after the one such sighting was accepted by the NZ rare birds committee as being legitimate.

The South Island Kokako is now listed as with 'Data Deficient' - the SIKCT aims to find out more about these elusive birds and save them from extinction.

Please help us save this rare bird with its haunting organ-like unique call.

More about us

Our Trust was formed in July 2010 to complement the work of the Department of Conservation by leading a planned, coordinated and community-driven strategy to make the discoveries and research needed to bring about the recovery of the South Island Kokako.

In January 2017, we launched a campaign to encourage outdoor enthusiasts to be our ears and eyes and offered a reward for evidence that leads to confirmation that this elusive and secretive bird is still out there.

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Latest update

That's The Passion - Searching for the South Island Kokako  16 May 2016

That's The Passion - Searching for the South Island Kokako

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, South Island Kokako Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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