SHCC Cambodia NZ Charitable Trust

SHCC Cambodia NZ Charitable Trust

SHCC is a registered Cambodian NGO that provides a safe environment for over 1400 disadvantaged children in rural villages. These children

Nelson / Tasman

SHCC are leaders in providing sustainable development which directly benefits the community through educating younger generations now and supporting children and their families to become self-sufficient and sustainable for the future.

SHCC offers English,Kindergarten,Arts & Crafts,Sports, Farming & Computing aswell as education on hygiene,nutrition & first aid. We also operate a Social work department and work in community development.

Since opening our role has grown from 200 to 1440 children. Before coming to SHCC many of these children had never had social interaction, most could not read or write and many were in extremely poor health and all were victims of tragic circumstances. Their future was bleak, now they are looking forward to a bright future full of possibilities.

Latest update

Update for 05/04/2011  5 April 2011

<p>SHCC sends out a monthly newsletter to its supporters and volunteers to keep them informed of news, progress and new projects happening at SHCC. Here is the link to the latest newsletter -&nbsp;March 2011.</p> <p><a href=""""></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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