Help us to get the mv YWAM KOHA moving. We need $75,000NZD to help fill the ship with fuel & finish the upgrade work: Lets get ‘er moving
Bay of Plenty
Ships With A Mission NZ Trust is the charity and YWAM Ships Aotearoa is the organisation. Our mission is to “serve the isolated island communities” throughout the Pacific region. We believe that all peoples should have access to primary health care, life-altering vaccinations, dental care, and eye surgeries. More than this, we also believe that all peoples should have access to clean water and education. We also believe that as kiwi’s, we have so much to offer our Pacific neighbours. Together we can make a sustainable and measurable difference.
After having to postpone our 2020 plans due to COVID-19, we are now prepping for a full deployment of the YWAM KOHA in 2021.
Ships With A Mission NZ Trust is the charity and YWAM Ships Aotearoa is the organisation. YWAM Ships Aotearoa exists to empower a healthy future for isolated island communities throughout the Pacific.
Funding update 24 June 2020
We have now had over $3200 raised through this page. Thank you to each of you for your generous donations... can you help us get the word out through Social media? we appreciate your help.