Stand Children's Services - Tu Maia Whanau

Stand Children's Services - Tu Maia Whanau

We stand together to bring hope to NZ's most vulnerable children. We help children and their families to stand up and be strong.


Our vision is a world strong with children.

Our mission is to be ambassadors of hope, healers of hurt minds and builders of strong and resilient families.

Our goal is to break the cycle of harm so children and families are safe, can recover from past trauma, reconnect with each other, and create a positive future.

More about us

Stand provides nationwide intensive services that protect our most vulnerable children and their families from further trauma, support their recovery and enhance their well-being. Stand works collectively with others to ensure children and families have access to services when they most need them.

Use of funds

The funds will go towards transforming the lives of children and young people who are at significant risk of harm to their wellbeing as a consequence of the environment in which they are being raised and their own complex needs.

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Latest donations

Valerie 17 hours ago
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 Apr 2024
Elizabeth on 06 Dec 2023
From a very nice lady i met today who saw a quilt i am making for STAND. A dotation quilt i make through Hugs.
Liz on 29 Jul 2023
A contribution to the great work STAND does with whanau and tamariki, as a psychologist in Christchurch its great to know we have services like yours, thanks for all you do.
Westburn School Te Kura o Hereora
Westburn School Te Kura o Hereora on 22 Feb 2023

Who's involved?

Stand Children's Services - Tu Maia Whanau's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Stand Children's Services - Tu Maia Whanau (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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