Sustainable Queenstown Charitable Trust

Sustainable Queenstown Charitable Trust

Donate now and be part of a movement that will transform Queenstown and ensure a sustainable future.


Queenstown is encountering rapid growth and many problems (and opportunities) come with this, so after 4 years of community engagement and a proven record in creating social and environmental impact, Sustainable Queenstown is ready to scale up. We have ambitious plans in the business and community space and now need funding to employ a coordinator to progress our vision, mission and action our strategic plan.

Our key priorities including disrupting event and hospitality waste streams, sustainable food systems and community activation through events and education and we’d like to see community-wide cultural change towards sustainability.

For this we must work together and co-create solutions within our local government, businesses, schools and of course with individuals. We will be challenging our community to consider how sustainability connects to their work and day to day lives and work together to create solutions that can enhance the level of sustainable practice, and show how they can contribute personally to Queenstown’s sustainability transition.

Please join us as we work together to advance sustainability in Queenstown. There is no time to waste.

More about us

Sustainable Queenstown mission is to challenge the status quo, working with our community to co-create solutions and activate positive social and environmental change in Queenstown.

Working together to create a world-class sustainable community and tourism resort.

Latest donations

Arthur Lee
Arthur Lee on 18 Dec 2024
On behalf of Arthur Lee
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Nov 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Apr 2024
hope the environment could stay good and peaceful
Ones and Zeros Technology Limited
Ones and Zeros Technology Limited on 13 Dec 2023
Good on Gary and the Kiwiharvest team.
Prendos NZ Ltd and Respond Architects
Prendos NZ Ltd and Respond Architects on 06 Dec 2023
On behalf of Prendos NZ Ltd and Respond Architects, we would like to wish you all a festive season.

Who's involved?

Sustainable Queenstown Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sustainable Queenstown Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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