Te Toi Uku

Te Toi Uku

Te Toi Uku is a small gem of a museum celebrating West Auckland's ceramic heritage and showcasing the big national story of Crown Lynn.


Te Toi Uku Crown Lynn and Clayworks Museum celebrates and preserves a vibrant heritage of industrial ceramics and commercial pottery in West Auckland. We hold the most extensive collection of Crown Lynn ceramics in Aotearoa, and onsite is the historic Gardner Brothers Kiln, the last remaining structure of Auckland's brick-making era.

A small community focused museum, we tell a big story of national significance. The West Auckland clay industry fired the material to build the very fabric of Auckland and towns in Aotearoa, as well as made the plates that filled the country’s pantries with crockery. Crown Lynn ceramics were part of our everyday life, often given as wedding gifts and on special occasions, it triggers nostalgia nationwide.

We're passionate about sharing our heritage and inspiring people of all ages and cultures to participate in our activities, from museum research to children's clay workshops. We are also a valuable educational resource for our young people, hosting learners and offering creative activities.

Administered by the independent charity, The Portage Ceramics Trust, Te Toi Uku is supported by Auckland Council, but relies on other fundraising to seek a shortfall of 40% of our operational expenses. This is critical to keeping the lights on and doors open.

By supporting us, you will be helping preserve our heritage for future generations, offering exciting new opportunities to engage in and celebrate New Zealand ceramics. You will help us care for the collection and continue to remain open to the public.

We welcome all donations and support for the museum.

More about us

Te Toi Uku Crown Lynn & Clayworks Museum, administered by the Portage Ceramics Trust, celebrates a rich West Auckland ceramics heritage collection, from our early industrial brick-making days to the iconic Crown Lynn era.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Jun 2024
A great class trip. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
avara on 04 May 2024
Portage Ceramics Trust

Thank you for supporting Te Toi Uku.

Portage Ceramics Trust
Robyn on 04 May 2024
Portage Ceramics Trust

Thank you for supporting Te Toi Uku.

Portage Ceramics Trust
Mark on 04 May 2024
Portage Ceramics Trust

Thank you for supporting Te Toi Uku.

Portage Ceramics Trust
Holly on 04 May 2024
Portage Ceramics Trust

Thank you very much for supporting Te Toi Uku.

Portage Ceramics Trust

Who's involved?

Portage Ceramics Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Portage Ceramics Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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