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The Pride Project Charitable Trust

on 19 Jun 2020

Fina asks

My name is Fina and recently my daughter passed away and left me 5 children age 12,11,9,8 and 22 months old baby and I am struggling to give them things that they need the fund from the WINZ is not even enough for all of them, I'm just wondering if you can give me any organisation that they can help me out please. Thank you

The Pride Project Charitable Trust

Kia Ora Fina - i am so sorry to hear you are in this situation. We can definitely help you to navigate through this change in your life right now. Please open this link below and it will take you to our referral jotform. From there a Hope Navigator will be assigned to you and will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it may not be until Monday morning, but please stipulate in the jotform if you have any urgent needs right now.

The Pride Project Charitable Trust

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