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The Aunties

  • Thank you all so much

      28 November 2023
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    Kia Ora Koutou - I'm just popping in to tell you how very grateful we all are for your kindness and generosity. Whether you're a regular donor, or just a one off, it means everything to us.

    Perhaps you would think of donating to our Xmas Cracker fundraising appeal. I'm not sure if you're aware, but every month each of the Aunties whanau women gets $500. At Xmas I'd really us to be able to double that amount, and take some more worries off their plate.

    Many thanks again.

    Jackie x

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  • A massive thank you

      29 August 2022
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    I haven’t updated this page for so long. I just wanted to say thank you so so much to all our kind donors, who make sure that we are able to facilitate the healing of the women of the Aunties Whānau.

    Your donations make such an enormous difference to us, and we remain perpetually thankful for our Aunties community.

    Every month, we are able to give each of the women a $500 prezzie voucher, and this makes their lives so much easier. We’re also able to provide for whatever needs or wants come up for them.

    An example is this tattoo.

    C has lived for so long in fear, and wanted this tattoo for almost as long after she exited her abusive marriage.

    It’s a Phoenix rising from the ashes.

    Now, since I met her almost ten years ago, C has gone from strength to strength. But after she had this tattoo done? It worked some magic, and her healing has accelerated at a most impressive rate.

    And this is why we do what we do, and why your donations are so vital. Because it will take these women a lifetime to heal from their complex trauma and the alchemy which is love just strengthens their healing.

    Thank you. From them, from us, from me personally.


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  • A huge thanks

      22 May 2019
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    I just wanted to personally thank all of you for keeping this ship afloat.

    On Monday, I recieved a Queens Service Medal, which was a huge honour, but really a symbol of the work you continue to support me to do.

    Whether it's food shopping, new glasses for an older woman or teen girl, heaters, blankets, bedding, outings, our regular payment to Te Whãnau Rangimarie....the list is endless of things and experiences that you continue to enable me to give to people who are really having a tough time of it.

    And that's what the honour means to me.

    I am just the face of this large army of very generous and loving human beings, and I thank you for allowing me to represent you, and carry your hearts into the lives of (mostly) women who are healing from, or in the midst of, family violence. Bless you.

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