The Performance Arcade Trust

The Performance Arcade Trust

The Performance Arcade brings together visual arts and performance in a specially curated event on Wellington Waterfront.


In 2024 we invite you to contribute what you would be willing to pay for a ticket to attend this free, award-winning event. $5, $10, $20--it all helps.

Seeing Reb Fountain live? Getting a personal, participatory tour of the city with a nationally renown performance artist? Share what you would be willing to pay for this experience and help others with fewer means to attend for free.

Every year we make our event as accessible as possible by opening our doors to everyone: passersby, young and old, broke and loaded, art lovers, art loathers, and art agnostics. All are welcome to join us, soak up the atmosphere, and see something new. Please help us to keep welcoming all to our accessible event.

Support our programming by donating a koha of any amount you can: $5, $10, $20, $100, or more.

Donate today and become a part of our 2024 vision.

More about us

To promote, support and develop awareness of live art, site specific installation art, audio visual and performing arts in New Zealand. To educate the public about performance art related activities. To create opportunities for emerging artists from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. To enable the public to engage and identify with art, enjoying new experiences, and gaining new insights. To take art outside of the gallery and theatre and into public spaces and to provide access to free artistic experiences for the wider public.

Latest update

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The Performance Arcade 2022 - thank you!   2 March 2022

From the whole 2022 Performance Arcade whānau - thank you for joining us under the sun, in the Welly wind or from home via our Live Stream.

It's a privilege to have been able to go ahead with our event in these unprecedented times and it would not have been possible with out the support of our amazing artists, audiences, principal sponsor Trustpower and event partners Wellington City Council, The Kalderimis Family and Creative New Zealand.

Our 2022 Live-streams are still available for your enjoyment here:

Aroha nui, take care and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

The PA whānau

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Performance Arcade Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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