Tindale Marine Research Charitable Trust

Tindale Marine Research Charitable Trust

To support and undertake marine research for the better understanding of our marine environment.


Tindale Marine Research Charitable Trust has undertaken the task of running a New Zealand wide, inshore fish species tag and release programme and we are seeking contributions to help fund research tags and tagging equipment.

Early in 2018 we undertook a pilot study capturing and releasing many of our popular marine species. Each fish was accurately measured, fitted with a serial numbered ID tag, photographed and released so it could be identified on recapture at a later date. Tagging has long been a simple tool to track seasonal movements, preferred habitat and growth of marine species and it is an important tool for fisheries management, and most importantly it promotes sustainable fishing practices. This tagging program is open to all New Zealanders and the information gathered is used to help everyone including post graduate students, marine scientists and research institutions gain a better understanding of our marine environment.

With the help of donations, we will be able to expand this ongoing project New Zealand wide and be able to make tagging kits available to volunteers, recreational anglers and citizen scientists.

Donations go to the purchase of serial numbered fish ID tags; a $2 donation can give a fish a second chance at life. The Trust has also donated over 20,000 fish ID posters to members of the public, schools, and universities etc over the last 6 years and hopes to be able to continue doing this.

Projects like this would not be possible without funding and the support of a wide range of organisations, sponsors and volunteers.

More about us

This award-winning charitable trust promotes environmental education, conservation and research of our marine environment. Our comprehensive quarterly reports include conservation and educational news, updates on current research project collaborations and a roundup of results from our fish tagging program.

Our inshore fish tagging program involves hundreds of volunteers around the country including marine scientists', amateur and commercial fishers releasing specially marked tagged fish to help understand the lifecycles, seasonal migrations, growth rates of fish and monitor any effects by environmental changes, climate and increased fishing pressures.

Winner of 5 sustainable awards presented at parliament NZ.

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Latest donations

Ken 1 day ago
Keep up the great work
Keegan on 15 Oct 2024
Clinton on 25 Feb 2024
William on 26 Dec 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Apr 2022
Great work you do thanks.
Tindale Marine Research Charitable Trust

Thank you for supporting our community citizen science projects. Your donation is greatly apreciated and will go towards the Trust inshore fish tagging program fish ID posters. This new vesrion of our education poster will be available free to keen fishers at the Trusts stand at next months Hutchwilco Boat Show. Cheers Scott

Tindale Marine Research Charitable Trust

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Tindale Marine Research Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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