Vinnies Wellington

Vinnies Wellington

Vinnies helps individuals and families by giving one on one support that provides a hand up in time of need.


Vinnis Wellington is a ground-roots organisation made up of members and volunteers, dedicated to helping Wellingtonians in need for more than 150 years.

Your donations can go towards:

> $5 to provide a basic toiletry pack.

> $10 to provide fresh fruit and veges for a single person.

> $25 to provide a warm winter coat.

> $70 to cover an hour of interpreting fees.

> $150 to provide a queen bed.

> $200 to provide a skip to help de-clutter a hoarding household.

Vinnies provide free welfare services throughout Wellington, assisting individuals and families facing hardship. We reach thousands of Wellingtonians every year through our services which include visitations, advocacy, home and clothing support, pregnancy assistance, food support, social work, budgeting advice, work support and more.

Vinnies Wellington welcomes the opportunity to work closely with all members of our community – visit to get involved.

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St Vincent de Paul Wellington is a dedicated and diverse group of people unified to help make a difference in Wellington. Vincentians work in a caring and practical manner to promote human dignity and justice through personal contact with those in need.

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COVID-19 Response  28 April 2020

Posted by: John Rossbotham

St Vincent de Paul Society Wellington (Vinnies) has adapted its welfare and support services to provide essential service packs to individuals and families struggling throughout COVID-19 alert levels.

“We’re ensuring our community has access to essential items which we hope will help give them some peace of mind over this uncertain time, as well as help free-up any extra cash to go towards additional food and bills” says Manager, John Rossbotham.

These packs cover three key needs: food support, baby material support and winter goods such as warm clothing, bedding, heating and cookware. A small team of six key staff, including two delivery drivers are continuing to work from the Newtown Welfare and Service Hub to answer incoming calls and distribute packs.

“Often people are simply relieved you have answered their call as they struggle to get through to overwhelmed government support lines” says Communications and Marketing Manager, Millie Lambess.

“For many single parents and people living on their own, there is comfort in knowing they aren’t alone and have the support of a service like Vinnies throughout the lock-down.”

Alongside this practical support, the Vinnies Community Social Worker is continuing to work closely with on-going cases and Vinnies Members are calling isolated elderly to check-in with them each week.

“I am concerned at the impact of social isolation and stress on those already experiencing life challenges, including sole parents, those living alone or struggling with mental health. Once people are assured they have support for basic needs, they are verbalising anxiety around their safety, or their family’s safety. Emotional and psychological support is going to be very important the longer this lock down continues, and ability to provide personal human connection will be a priority” says Community Social Worker, Tania Martin.

Since the lock-down began, the Newtown centre has seen a 380% increase in people accessing its services, with the majority in need of food.

As we move into alert level 3, we are preparing for the on-going and growing need within the community as we start seeing the long-term effects of the lock-down.

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Guest Donor on 16 May 2024
Donation to help people in need at the discretion of Vinnies
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Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted on 23 Jun 2023
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Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted in year ended March 2021 on 31 Mar 2023
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift for the Tax Year ending March 2021. Aren’t they awesome!
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted in year ended March 2021
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted in year ended March 2021 on 19 Jan 2023
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift for the Tax Year ending March 2021. Aren’t they awesome!

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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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