Waikato Hospital Art Trust

Waikato Hospital Art Trust

Waikato Hospital Art is passionate about art's role in healthcare. We believe that art positively impacts the well-being of all.

Hamilton, Waikato

The Waikato Hospital Art Trust is passionate about art's role in the healthcare environment. Over the years, Waikato Hospital has had many dedicated staff and supporters committed to building an extensive art collection for the Hospital through donations, purchases and loans.

We believe that art has a positive impact on the wellness and well-being of all. So, by installing a wide range of art throughout the Hospital and fostering a creative environment, we aim to speed up a patient's healing process, shorten hospital stays and help manage pain. As well as providing a source of creativity, interest, distraction and solace for whānau and staff alike in their roles as carers and supporters.

From maternity to mortuary: the hospital can be the location of some of our most joyous moments, as well as the most desperate. By including art, we aim to create welcoming, healing spaces that resonate with all members of our community as they navigate health and healing. The Waikato Hospital Art Trust is passionate about the role of art in the healthcare environment and believes that creativity has a positive impact on the wellness and well-being of all.

There are over 100 significant artworks to be discovered that are owned by the Trust or on permanent loan, and we are working to introduce art to many more spaces around the hospital campus.

If you value our kaupapa, please join us and support the Waikato Hospital Art Committee through a donation.

More about us

Waikato Hospital Art is dedicated to raising funds for the purchase of artworks and associated programmes for the well-being and enjoyment of all staff, patients and whānau because we know that art can play a vital role in the healing process.

Latest donations

Peter on 22 Dec 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Mar 2024
So happy to support this cause.
Waikato Hospital Art Trust

Kia ora, thank you for your generous support. We are humbled and grateful

Waikato Hospital Art Trust
Private Donor
Private Donor on 18 Mar 2024
Waikato Hospital Art Trust

Kia ora, thank you for your support and generosity. We are very grateful.

Waikato Hospital Art Trust

Who's involved?

Waikato Hospital Art Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Waikato Hospital Art Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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