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WWF-New Zealand

  • Join WWF-New Zealand and help protect our planet

      7 April 2022

    The species and places we love are under threat and with a changing climate, we must act urgently to ensure they survive. Please donate now and help protect New Zealand’s most precious wildlife and nature.

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  • Support WWF-New Zealand and stop the illegal wildlife trade

      26 August 2014

    Every year we contribute to WWF's international fight to stop the illegal wildlife trade. Help us save the rhinoceros.

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  • Not on our watch! Save the last 55 Maui's dolphins

      26 August 2014

    We've got Reggie, Brad and Victor on the job, how about you?

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  • Save the last 55 Maui's dolphins

      26 August 2014

    We presented our petition to members of parliament...

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  • Public Walk for Hector's

      29 January 2010
    Posted by: Givealittle Admin

    PUBLIC WALK FOR HECTOR'S Support Aescleah and her friends by making a $25 donation and joining a public walk from Barnett Park in Redcliffs, Christchurch on 6 March at 10am. This 60-minute loop track has spectacular views of the area, including habitat of the Hector's dolphin. formkey=dFYxRGswazIwWHVDZWlhWXM5ZXlsN1E6MA"" Register here for the walk and make a donation of $25 (children free to walk with parents) - all funds raised support Aescleah's Walk for Hector's. The number of walkers is strictly limited. The track is good quality with gradual incline and decline. WWF will contact you after you have registered on instructions to make your donation. Register here for the walk.

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  • Follow our news updates

      12 November 2009

    Dear supporters and followers, Did you know you can now follow WWF-New Zealand's latest campaign news on top social networking sites? Visit our homepage at and simply click through to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Many thanks, the WWF-New Zealand team.

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