Zuvuyaland Trust

Zuvuyaland Trust

Zuvuyaland is a place of natural beauty and tranquility - your donations will support our care for this special place which is open to all.


Zuvuyaland has been gifted to the community by Vivien Johnson. She had a vision of establishing a 'natural sanctuary' where the trees and plants were cared for organically and where people could wander and feel the peace and generous health giving elements of the natural kingdom.

Ongoing financial support is needed and this is the purpose of this Give a Little page, to facilitate donors to support the work of maintaining Zuvuyaland for the enjoyment of all.

The land needs ongoing maintenance to keep the pathways clear and safe, to keep invasive weeds under control, to care for the trees and in particular to encourage the regeneration of natives.

Trees that were planted 20 years ago now need major reduction and in other places new planting is desirable. There is also a beautiful stream with a water feature flowform which needs occasional pump and solar panel maintenance.

Vivien was also aware of the 'unseen realms' of the Elemental Beings and the Angelic Kingdom. She would often play Vivaldi's music to them via her CD player and she welcomed dance and the playing of various instruments on the land.

"This is a place for all people and the Shining Ones" she would say, " and it's a place where the NEW energy can come in, the energy of peace, joy and love ! "

More about us

To protect and maintain Zuvuyaland as a place of natural beauty and tranquility where people may come to restore their energy simply by being on this land.

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Latest donations

Rosalind on 17 Sep 2024
Pat on 03 Dec 2023
Phillipa on 15 Nov 2023
Mela on 13 Nov 2023
Lynette on 08 Jan 2023
Zuvuyaland Trust

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Zuvuyaland Trust

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Zuvuyaland Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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