Help Vahide and Fitim go to their family reunion!

$6,550 of $6,500 goal
Given by 50 generous donors in 11 days

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Help courageous Kosovan refugees Vahide and Fitim reconnect with their displaced family in Kosovo.


We have a patient (Vahide Rudi) here at dove house who has been supported by our Emotional Support Service for some years. She came here because her son (Fitim) had a rare and life threatening condition that required a liver transplant, his brother courageously donating part of his liver- also a life-threatening situation. He was diagnosed at age 4 and she has coped with the roller coaster ride of serious illness for the past 13 years. He had the transplant approximately 2 years ago. For the first 12 months following the transplant they were in and out of hospital every few weeks as they struggled with the impact of it all.

The family came to NZ as refugees from the war in Kosovo and Vahide and her husband have experienced a number of traumatic experiences from the war. Fitim was diagnosed soon after their arrival in NZ. In the past couple of years both of Vahide’s parents have died in Kosovo and her elder son (the donor) has returned and married there. During August, other family members are gathering there for a reunion. Vahide believes that if she and her son had an opportunity to connect with their family again, visit her parents’ grave and spend time in her homeland, it would benefit her mental/emotional and psychological health. As refugees their only source of income is the benefit they receive from WINZ so this dream is totally out of their reach financially. Since Fitim’s health has become more stable and he is less dependent, this courageous lady has been volunteering in our hospice shops and bakes for the staff regularly to show her appreciation of the assistance she and her family have received here. Her wish is to continue to contribute to our community in this way and through her volunteering experience she may be able to get employment in the future and build a ‘new life’.

It would be amazing if we could help this family!

Dove Hospice CLOSED's involvement (page creator)

Vahide and her son Fitim have been receiving our services for some time and this is continuing our emotional and spiritual support of them.

About us

Dove Hospice is a service that focuses on holistic health and well being for people and their families who are living with live-threatening illness.

Latest update

We've done it!!  10 August 2015

Fantastic, amazing and so so exciting!

Vahide and Fitim are very thrilled - they will be making their travel arrangements asap - Fitim has had a clearance from his medical team and all is now in place to make their wish a reality. Thank you doesn't seem enough. Your generosity of spirit, compassion and willingness to share what you have made this happen for this family and Iknow they will be forever grateful.

kindest thoughts and wishes to everybody.

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Olivia Rysenbry
Olivia Rysenbry on 10 Aug 2015
Dove Hospice CLOSED

A very big thank you for your compassion and kindness in supporting this family!

Dove Hospice CLOSED
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 Aug 2015
Dove Hospice CLOSED

Thank you most sincerely for this generous donation. Vahide and Fitim will now be going to Kosovo and realising their dream!

Dove Hospice CLOSED
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 Aug 2015
With best wishes
Dove Hospice CLOSED

Thank you for your kindness and compassion. Vahide and Fitim are so thrilled to know their dream is about to happen and that they have 'friends' they have never met!

Dove Hospice CLOSED
Grant and Phif
Grant and Phif on 10 Aug 2015
Safe travels
Dove Hospice CLOSED

Most sincere thanks for this very generous donation. Vahide and Fitim feel very blessed.

Dove Hospice CLOSED
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 Aug 2015
Dove Hospice CLOSED

Thank you so much for your kindness and compassion. Vahide and Fitim are so excited that their dream is now a reality!

Dove Hospice CLOSED

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Created by Dove Hospice CLOSED, paying to a verified bank account of Dove Hospice (Charity)
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This campaign started on 30 Jul 2015 and ended on 10 Aug 2015.