Mikaya is getting her voice!

$1,170 of $3,800 goal
Pledged by 16 generous supporters in 4 days

To give our girl an equal chance to succeed in life by putting her into a great dyslexia correction programme!


Mikaya is the youngest of 7 and is a bright young soul who wants to have her voice.

As we have noticed, she seems to have difficulty expressing herself and she looks overwhelmed by inability to get her words out. We have done an assessment and it looks like Mikaya has dyslexia.

We have found a great programme for her to do that could make a big difference for our girl to be able to express herself freely, without relying on her twin sister and being able to say what she really means and learn way better.

This programme is a 30 hours of one on one coaching with excellent reviews.

It is worth $3800 and we need our community to give our girl a voice.

The programme is described here: https://www.davisdyslexia.co.nz/davis-correction.html

Use of funds

pay for the programme's tuition

Latest update


Hi there, everyone!

I just wanted to thank you all for coming forward and supporting Mikaya on her journey of correcting dyslexia. She is very excited about getting her own expression in the world! Watch this space!

A day after we started this fundraise I received a phone call from a friend who offered to cover the tuition. I was shocked. I did not believe something like this could happen to me and my family.

I am very very moved by who people in our lives are.

We are very independent women Trish and I and don't generally go for being contributed to but in this case I knew that this is not about me and my pride but it is about Mikaya so I am glad I have overcome my own concerns.

Once again, thank you for the kind and generous donations. None of you been charged as we have now closed this fundraise. Please continue following Mikaya's journey! She is meeting her dyslexia correction programme facilitator next week on Saturday! :)

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Latest pledges

Hannah on 08 Oct 2020
Luiza Turganova

Thank you so much for this support for our girl Mikaya!!!

Luiza Turganova
Anne on 08 Oct 2020
Luiza Turganova

Thank you for your generosity and love!

Luiza Turganova
Juliette on 08 Oct 2020
What an awesome whanau Love you all
Luiza Turganova

this means a lot to me, Juliette! Thank you for supporting my family!!!

Luiza Turganova
Natalie on 08 Oct 2020
All the best my darling!! Happy to help in your journey and making people aware. Don't be shy to ask for help.
Luiza Turganova

Thank you so much for your support and yes it is a journey that is better when shared.

Luiza Turganova
Sharleen on 07 Oct 2020
Kia kaha Mikaya.
Luiza Turganova

Thank you for supporting Mikaya in her journey of tackling dyslexia! She is excited about her course!

Luiza Turganova

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Luiza Turganova on behalf of My step-daughter Mikaya
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This campaign started on 4 Oct 2020 and ended on 9 Oct 2020.