Kevin and Emmanuel leap for charity for Drop Your Boss 2023!

$4,172 of $3,500 goal

Please support us to help Kiwi kids build resilience and mental fitness, as I plummet 192-metres off a ledge for “Drop Your Boss 2023!


We are challenging ourselves to step outside of our comfort zones, like the kids on Graeme Dingle Foundation programmes are challenged every day. We are passionate about helping the Graeme Dingle Foundation in their mission to build young people’s resilience and developing core life skills which will help our tamariki to realise potential.

On November 16th, we will be jumping off a perfectly good building - the Auckland Sky Tower, to support the Graeme Dingle Foundation and New Zealand’s tamariki. Please donate to my cause and help me “Overcome this Obstacle”.

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Latest donations

Antony on 22 Nov 2023
Well done guys! Great cause.
Jonathan Taylor
FUJIFILM Business Innovation New Zealand

Thank you so much Jonathan!

FUJIFILM Business Innovation New Zealand
Jerry on 18 Nov 2023
Just seeing this now! I'm eager to hear the story and see the video.
FUJIFILM Business Innovation New Zealand

Thanks for putting us over the top Peter!

FUJIFILM Business Innovation New Zealand

Participating in

Drop Your Boss Sky Jump 2023

We are asking 100 people across Aotearoa to accept their own challenge, go outside their comfort zone and take part in Drop Your Boss!

Raising funds for

Graeme Dingle Foundation's avatar
Graeme Dingle Foundation
Our purpose is to help kids understand that what they have inside is greater than any obstacle


Select a team member to donate to and the amount will feed into the team total.

Team manager

FUJIFILM Business Innovation's avatar
Created by FUJIFILM Business Innovation (Business)
This campaign started on 18 Sep 2023 and ended on 8 Dec 2023.