Lewington’s Legends

$2,149 raised

Participating in The Jarden Taupo Great Lakes Relay 2022


Lewington's Legends are an electic mix of Jarden employees looking to make a difference to both our personal fitness and habits, as well as support a cause central to all New Zealander's via raising funds for Youth in Transition. We represent every business unit across Jarden, and are coming together to help drive cultural growth at Jarden, socialise over similar passions, and make a change for the good. Support us, as we support the Youth for Transition charitable trust in its cause to help young New Zealander's.

Youth in Transition is a charitable organisation designed to address the needs of young people (10-24) who are dealing with issues such as low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thinking. These are all massive issues that we would have all seen or dealt with through our own youth, or are at least very aware of in our society today. One of the great aspects from my point of view, is that every dollar donated goes directly into supporting those that are struggling, with admin and running costs already donated already by local businessmen and accountants.

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Latest donations

David on 13 Oct 2022    Jacob Congdon
Mr Congdon - you officially trained the hardest - well done!
Jacob Congdon

Thanks so much David :) :) :)

Jacob Congdon
David on 13 Oct 2022    Daniel Lewington
This is due to your team, Mr Lewington, because you officially trained the hardest - the most kilometres covered!
Adrianna on 07 Oct 2022    Stephanie Wyllie
Alex on 07 Oct 2022    Jacqui Clarke
Good luck and have fun!
Jacqui Clarke

Thanks very much Alex for the donation. It was good fun and I beat the time by 2 mins!

Jacqui Clarke
Rachel on 07 Oct 2022    Jacqui Clarke
Good luck Jacqui!
Jacqui Clarke

Cheers Rachel, it was good fun even the 4am alarm clock and heading out to Lake Taupo in 1C (which felt like -3C)! And beat my time by 2 mins!

Jacqui Clarke

Participating in

The Jarden Taupo Great Lakes Relay 2022

Jarden running teams nationwide vying to with the Taupo Great Lake Relay on the 8th October 2022

Raising funds for

Youth In Transition Charitable Trust's avatar
Youth In Transition Charitable Trust
Our kids, Our community, Our responsibility. HELPING YOUNG PEOPLE FIND A LIFE WORTH LIVING
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.

Team manager

Daniel Lewington's avatar
Created by Daniel Lewington
This campaign started on 27 Jul 2022 and ended on 15 Oct 2022.