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South West Baptist - Joyride 2024

  • Join the team and spark good for 2024!

      19 September 2024

    Last year the SWBC team raised $36,000... let's aim for $50,000 this year! All donations go directly towards the work of Joyya:

    $20 could pay for a child to attend an after-school program for a term.

    These programs not only help kids to extend themselves by learning new things and making new friends, but they provide safe places for them to be.

    $80 could pay for a woman to attend one of our Vocational Training Courses.

    These part-time courses give women the chance to gain new skills and grow new friendships and new confidence. Some courses get women new-career-ready, others provide a taster and a gateway to further learning.

    $500 could pay the annual fees for a young adult from our communities to attend University.

    When this happens it makes so many more things possible!

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