The Mt. Everest Sherpas - TBI Health Lower Hutt

$696 raised

Participating in TBI Health Wellington Vert Challenge Fundraiser


Not all hero's wear capes! Our team of allied health professionals at TBI Health Lower Hutt are going head-to-head against the other Wellington clinics and services, challenging ourselves to reach new heights and support a worthy cause along the way. On April 30th 2023, your local superhero's are going to ascend Te Whiti Park firebreak (310m) as many times as possible in a 12 hour period and raise money for the NZ Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

As a team we are aiming to scale the height of Mt. Everest (8,848m) which is a combined total of 29 climbs for our team of 7! Feel free donate/sponsor your chosen therapist or the team as a whole. You can donate a flat amount or even pledge an amount per ascent or for total distance climbed to fuel the inter-clinic and inter-personal competition!

There will be pain, there will be inter-clinic rivalry and there will be bragging rights for the hero climbing the highest vertical distance!

Our team and personal goals:

Sarah Tulloch (Manager and physio) - 6 climbs

Morgan Rowan (physio) - 7 climbs

Sarah Holliday (exercise therapist) - 7 climbs

Barnaby Verberne (physio) - 3 climbs

Melissa Martin (physio) - 3 climbs

Sam Butturini (physio) - 4 climbs

Baylee Tebby (physio) - 2 climbs

Latest donations

Judith on 30 Apr 2023
Well done Sam
Jodi on 30 Apr 2023
Great work Sarah and team!
Patches on 30 Apr 2023
Love your work Melissa and Sarah. Leesssgoooo Cheers Patches
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Apr 2023
Go TBI Lower Hutt!
Liesl on 29 Apr 2023
Supporting Melissa

Participating in

TBI Health Wellington Vert Challenge Fundraiser

TBI Health Wellington Vert Challenge Fundraiser for Cyclone Gabrielle Disaster Relief

Raising funds for

New Zealand Red Cross's avatar
New Zealand Red Cross
A disaster or crisis can change a person’s life in an instant – but so can you.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.


No team members to donate to yet, please come back later.

Team manager

Morgan Rowan's avatar
Created by Morgan Rowan
This campaign started on 28 Mar 2023 and ended on 4 May 2023.