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2 year old Ivy & House 💔 Taken in the NZ Cyclone

  • Bubba has arrived…Still in hospital though 🥺

      12 August 2023
    Main image

    Their bubba has arrived! A baby boy.

    It’s not been smooth sailing🥲

    C Section was done a 3 weeks ago, his heart condition they knew of before birth has continued and he hasn’t got to spend a night at home yet.

    It’s been ambulances and flights and machines 🥹

    His sister has only had two cuddles and struggling with her parents being away so they have been having to leave bubs in the hospital and be with her (understandable with all she / they have been through)

    Today they got flown to Akl as the medication to slow his heart hasnt been working.

    Being strong but exhausted we hope they get to take him home soon.

    We hope for them to enjoy the newborn bubble and joy and be a family together soon.

    If you can help please do, anything helps and if anyone deserves a break they do!

    Thanks to everyone donating and offering help and offers… just know they are the most appreciative and giving people.

      2 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 13/08/2023 by Trish

      Thanks for the update, wonderful to hear their little boy arrived and sorry to hear of the challenges with his heart.. good to hear they're in good care at Starship now.🙏🏼💚 They're all in our hearts. Do you have an address we can send donations to? We work with books (supplying schools/ libraries) and we'd love to send them down children's books (all new) for sharing together. I could pick some for loving fun, for helping to understand emotions (including grief), or if they'd like to tell us what favourites they'd appreciate we can select them... Please message me if you think they'd be helpful. sending aroha 🙏🏼💚 x

    • 14/08/2023 by Anna

      Yes do you have an address for the family. I mentioned ages ago writing a poem for Ivy but had nowhere to send it. I’d love it if I could now do so.

  • How You Have Helped 🙏🏼

      12 May 2023

    Little update to share with you all that have been so kind in donating.

    Ella and family have used some of the money to purchase a caravan to call home for now.

    Safe with family and greatful to have a bit of their own space to be together.

    Little bubs inside her belly is safe and well and sister Imogen is loving on him so much already, but missing her little sister a lot, that sister bond and constant playmate a big hole in her life.

    Thank you to you all for giving them the chance to start to rebuild their lives.

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  • Grateful for all the love & Support 🙏🏼

      11 March 2023

    Ella & family are safe and warm, still trying to processing everything that’s happened.

    She has expressed her thanks to everyone who has donated, and in her words:

    “Wow that's just amazing. We will be able to sort ourselves and help so many others in due time 🙏 We will pay it forward in every way we can.”

    Always thinking of others even in times like this!

    Thank you for being a part of helping them make life slightly easier.

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