2 year old Ivy & House 💔 Taken in the NZ Cyclone

$287,178 donated
Given by 5761 generous donors in one year

Cyclone in NZ takes beautiful 2 year Ivy, house, land, and all our friends belongings.

Hawke's Bay

Please help raise funds for for our beautiful Ella, Jack and Imogen.

No words can say how saddened we feel about the loss of your beautiful little 2 year old Ivy who was ripped from your family in the recent cyclone in NZ.

In the space of 5 mins you lost so much, beautiful Ivy, your house, your land and your belongings.

Your love for you kids is next level, even taking them out of day care to be able to teach and love on them even more.

Ella and her family have no home to go back to, her beautiful gardens she had worked so lovingly in to create is gone, a land full of veges and fruit to feed her family gone

She is also pregnant with their 3rd bubba due in August and with all this no income as her husbands work is on hold for who knows how long.

I’m sure you are so thankful to your second family and one of your businesses, Isagenix, for jumping in and sending support in the way of enough food supplies to help out but with loosing one of your family, your home, Jacks income, I imagine a whole lot more than we can even think of, we are opening up this page to help out.

Love & thoughts to you all… such giving people who now deserve our help.

Disclosure:They have house insurance, but every penny will help towards re-building what they had and replacing all their belongings…I just wish it could also bring back little Ivy

Please see the other Givealittle pages for the family here:



Use of funds

Living expenses and getting back on their feet..

Latest update

Update image

Bubba has arrived…Still in hospital though 🥺  12 August 2023

Their bubba has arrived! A baby boy.

It’s not been smooth sailing🥲

C Section was done a 3 weeks ago, his heart condition they knew of before birth has continued and he hasn’t got to spend a night at home yet.

It’s been ambulances and flights and machines 🥹

His sister has only had two cuddles and struggling with her parents being away so they have been having to leave bubs in the hospital and be with her (understandable with all she / they have been through)

Today they got flown to Akl as the medication to slow his heart hasnt been working.

Being strong but exhausted we hope they get to take him home soon.

We hope for them to enjoy the newborn bubble and joy and be a family together soon.

If you can help please do, anything helps and if anyone deserves a break they do!

Thanks to everyone donating and offering help and offers… just know they are the most appreciative and giving people.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Dec 2023
Diana on 19 Sep 2023
Hi, On reading the sadness of your plight, our hearts go out to you with much love and sympathy and we hope the future is much brighter for you and your family.--the Collings Family. Hillcrest Auckland.
Angela on 10 Sep 2023
There are no words 💔 Just know that your family are in our thoughts and prayers. 🕊️🤍
Evan and Leisha
Evan and Leisha on 10 Sep 2023
We are sorry for your losses and hope you can find happiness again.
Brent on 10 Sep 2023

Who's involved?

Hayley McMaster's avatar
Created by Hayley McMaster
Ella Molloy-Collins's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Ella Molloy-Collins
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This campaign started on 16 Feb 2023 and ended on 16 Feb 2024.