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A Beautiful Heart In Failure - Deb ❤️

  • New Update - Deb’s Health & Wellbeing

      9 August 2024
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    The past couple of months have been a whirlwind of emotions, for both Deb and her family. Nico is only 12 years old and Deb’s youngest, processing mums diagnosis and what that potentially means for him, Callum and Sjaani’s futures has been a lot for the family to work through, including her husband Chris. Regular appointments at the Heart Failure clinic has meant medication increases whilst trying to manage her very low blood pressure due to this complication, this has meant she is unable to take the recommended dosages of several of her medications, meaning a much slower rate of improvement. The cardiac nurse requested an acute 24hr halter monitor last week following an appointment Deb had due to her ectopic heartbeats, the results are still pending. Meanwhile, Deb has returned to teaching her beloved martial arts kids with much support from the other instructors as she tires very easily. This gives her focus and helps her to come to terms with the limitations of her diagnosis, and what that means to her own martial arts journey after ten years of practice.

    Recently one of the families that Deb teaches has nominated her for the Kiwibank NZ Local Hero award due to her dedication and commitment above her own health complications.

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