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Agricultural Action Group (non-profit, volunteer, apolitical)

$1,015 donated
Given by 16 generous donors in around 6 months

Fighting for the future of the agricultural/horticultural industry, rural communities and all those living and working on the land!


Rob Wilson, Heather Meri Pennycook and Fred Roberts formed the apolitical (self-funded) group AAG (Agricultural Action Group) on election night in October 2020 as they realised the Government (and Policies) were not going to change and they were extremely concerned for the future of the rural sector and for NZ as a whole. To date they have completed more than 65 community meetings all over the nation (with many local community groups starting as a result of this). AAG has a Facebook page, newsletter and is about to go live with a comprehensive website in the next 1-2 weeks (ultimately including a blog, podcasts, videos and content on several other independent media platforms).

The aim of AAG is to -

1) Educate/inform people about what is really happening in NZ

2) Inspire/motivate people to take action

3) Resource/facilitate local groups all over NZ to push back and give them effective tools to do so (and work in unity and mutual support alongside other groups with similar goals)

Use of funds

Donations go into the ASB Account of Jill Templeton-Financial Controller. A team of 4 people administer AAG invoice payment re venue hire, fliers, meetings, website hosting/newsletter distribution (we currently self-fund all shortfalls and costs).

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Agricultural Action Group dissolving  16 September 2021

AAG – Agricultural Action Group, dissolving:

After 11 months and more than 90 public meetings around New Zealand, we the co-founders of AAG – Fred Roberts, Robert Wilson and Heather Meri Pennycook, have made the difficult decision to dissolve the group, as all 3 of us have begun to focus on different areas of interest, consequently causing our paths to diverge.

We are immensely thankful to the many people who have volunteered, baked, organized, set up and packed down venues, distributed pamphlets, donated, guest spoken, contributed information, provided accommodation etc. We wish to make special mention of the incredible support team we have had behind us and their outstanding contributions in so many areas. Working along side you all has been an honor and privilege for which we will always be grateful. Thankyou to everyone for your support and encouragement. Together we have achieved much, with many people now aware of the big picture issues facing us all, and now actively researching and taking positive action that empowers themselves and their communities the length and breadth of this land.

Many have started to re-awaken to our God given right to say “No, I do not consent” to things that are harmful to us, we are beginning the process of taking back our personal power, self responsibility and freedom.

Upon ending this chapter of our journey we would encourage you all to continue to question and hold to account all those in authoritarian positions, ask for proof for all that they claim and let us never forget that when we stand together in unity against tyranny, we can and will triumph.

With our sincerest thanks and regards,

Fred, Rob & Heather Meri

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Andy Grigg
Andy Grigg on 03 Jul 2021
I don't tike to see Zealots get too much power or air time!
Hamish on 24 Jun 2021
You guys are doing great work, keep it up and thanks for bringing this info and its relationship to Agenda 21/2030 further into the public consciousness.
Ian on 24 Jun 2021
You're doing a fantastic job Thanks, Ian
Jonquil on 31 May 2021
Keep up the good work. We need to keep our farms whatever happens.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Apr 2021

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Agricultural Action Group's avatar
Created by Agricultural Action Group (Group)
Jill Templeton's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jill Templeton on behalf of Agricultural Action Group
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This campaign started on 15 Mar 2021 and ended on 16 Sep 2021.