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Help Aiden reach for the stars

$4,580 of $4,000 goal
Given by 66 generous donors in one year

Aiden is 4 and has Developmental Delay make everyday activities that we all take for granted very difficult. He has only been walking indep


Originally Aiden was thought to be Autistic and we were told to 'wait and see how he goes'. This wasn't an option for us so we started our own search for treatment. Non funded therapies have helped him progress greatly but there is still so much more he can achieve. Please help us help Aiden reach for the stars

Latest update

Where does the money go???  11 February 2014

Thank you so much to all of you who sponsored Jon for his 'Big Kid' run. He did well finishing in pretty horrific conditions and is keen to do it again this year. The money raised has allowed us to do further, more specific testing which can only be done in the States to see if there are any other options to helping Aiden reach his potential. We have also been able to put Aiden on the 'listening program' which is formulated to improve speech, coordination and brain function. It is just another thing on the list that is from the States and costs a small fortune. Thanks to you all we have been able to provide these opportunities.

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Latest donations

Suzie on 18 Feb 2014
Love you loads xxxxx
Level Ltd
Level Ltd on 13 Jan 2014
Brenda & Greg Sewell
Brenda & Greg Sewell on 06 Dec 2013    Jon and The Big Kid
Good luck Jon! Such a lovely wee boy xx
Nette & Dan Makin
Nette & Dan Makin on 06 Dec 2013    Jon and The Big Kid
Your family is awesome! Best of luck Jon!
Jules & Stefan
Jules & Stefan on 06 Dec 2013    Jon and The Big Kid
Good luck Jon and enjoy it too!

Who's involved?

Kate Corser's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kate Corser
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This campaign started on 8 Nov 2013 and ended on 8 Nov 2014.