Jon and The Big Kid

$3,850 of $1,000 goal
Given by 60 generous donors in 4 weeks

The Big Kid is a 16km off road adventure run through farm land, streams, gravel and very very steep roads up to Turoa. You have to carry yo


We are determined to do everything we can to help Aiden reach is potential and provide him with every opportunity out there. There is still so much more to unlock and non funded therapy seems to be the key

The Big Kid is a 16km off road adventure run through farm land, streams, gravel and very very steep roads up to Turoa. You have to carry your own water and survival gear as there are no support stations on the route.

Participating in

Jon and The Big Kid

Jon and The Big Kid

Latest donations

Brenda & Greg Sewell
Brenda & Greg Sewell on 06 Dec 2013
Good luck Jon! Such a lovely wee boy xx
Nette & Dan Makin
Nette & Dan Makin on 06 Dec 2013
Your family is awesome! Best of luck Jon!
Jules & Stefan
Jules & Stefan on 06 Dec 2013
Good luck Jon and enjoy it too!
Janelle Bishop
Janelle Bishop on 06 Dec 2013
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Dec 2013
All the best! Xx

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This campaign started on 29 Oct 2013 and ended on 28 Nov 2013.