Andrew VS Cancer - Episode IV - A New Drug

$45,160 of $40,000 goal
Given by 316 generous donors in one year

Cancer is terrible. Andy is awesome & needs Avastin which costs around $40,000. Let’s help his whanau out and give him the best chance!


Our beloved mate has a fight on his hands!

As you may know, he was recently diagnosed with Stage IV Bowel Cancer and is currently undergoing chemotherapy to fight it.

While we have an amazing public health system here in NZ, there is another challenge.

A drug called Avastin has been recommended as his medical team believe it will give him the best shot at things... and it is not funded infact it will cost about $40,000.

So this is one way we can all support him and his amazing whanau as he puts his best Chewbacca impersonation into action and fights this with all the humour grace, and guitar solos we know and love.



janine carr's involvement (page creator)

Andy is a dear friend and a bloody good person. He has been stuck with me in his life since intermediate school.

Use of funds

Primarily, the medication he needs. Anything extra will just help him and his whanau with any support they might need during this time.

Latest update

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Good News Update  16 July 2020

Posted by: Andy Speir

Hey there everyone!

Just wanted to let you all know that Avastin is doing it's job well and with your help... I'm currently kicking Cancers butt!

In other news... I'm getting surgery to put my bowels back together and reverse my stoma!

This Drug has really helped and it's a shame that it is not funded! If you have time... Let Pharmac know how beneficial it can be!

Thanks everyone

...also... I got a puppy and his name is Klause!

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Latest donations

Rae on 10 Jan 2021
Love u Andrew
Will on 31 Dec 2020
Keep kicking it’s ass mate!
Grant on 10 Nov 2020
Michelle on 15 Jul 2020
My family and I love you Andy. Praying everyday for your healing and for our Disneyland trip. Much love and healing ♥️
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 May 2020

Who's involved?

janine carr's avatar
Created by janine carr
Andy Speir's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Andy Speir
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This campaign started on 15 Jan 2020 and ended on 15 Jan 2021.