Andy - Asthma Ambassador: "Nothing Else Matters when you can't breathe"

$10,000 goal
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Started 5 years ago

Education is a powerful tool to keep people out of hospital & breathing easy. Try concentrating in class or at work when you can't breathe.


Would you be shocked to know that 80 Kiwis die from asthma every year?

I was and that is why I have become an ambassador for Asthma NZ.

Over the next 5-months I will be working with Asthma NZ to raise awareness, understanding and money so we can reduce this number.

I was horrified to know that Asthma costs NZ over $1 billion dollars every year. Imagine what we could do with that money if asthma wasn’t the problem it currently is.

Our goal is to reduce asthma hospitalisation by 50% by 2029. We have plenty of time if we all help out.

I will be asking for your help on this journey. The more people understand about asthma the better we will all breathe.

A bit about me:

I am a general practitioner and an asthmatic. I would really like to have the opportunities to use my

experience as both to help other people and increase awareness of asthma treatment and control.

About us

Asthma NZ have been providing education, training and support for 48 years. Our nurses are in the community supporting families and individuals in their homes, at school, in workplaces and on sports fields.

We have nurses in Auckland, Rotorua and Wellington.

Asthma is brushed aside by too many people. Poor breathing affects everything aspect of life. In fact nothing else matters when you can't breathe.

Use of funds

All the money raised from this project will be used to create tech savvy asthma educational tools so everyone has access to education not just those in the main centres.

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Asthma New Zealand Inc.'s avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Asthma New Zealand Inc. (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 23 May 2019 and ended on 23 May 2020.