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Anna's Road to Recovery

  • Hello again from Anna,

      22 January 2023

    The medical bills are trickling in so I thought I would let you know the hopeful news. Currently standing, if I get the grant from Memorial Medical Center than this Give A Little, YOU GUYS, should pay for the medical bills I have incurred.

    I am again incredibly moved by the generous support of you all. Whether you are friends, family, or those who have been moved by the accident and Jack and I’s story I thank you. It has been humbling to listen to how people have come to hear of the moment of my accident and what happened. I am sorry to have put you all through this ringer of emotion. Be well in knowing I am getting back to it and still myself! Kayaking with some superb friends has allowed me to be in these places I love once again. To be in the mountains in Fiordland or sea caves in Otago. I have been tentatively getting back on the bike for some gravel rides and swimming my way through summer.

    Thank you for your belief in me. I am indebted to not be in DEBT. I did not realise this was weighing on me till my mum told me of the discounts given to me by the surgeons and some of my insurance pulling through. Instant relief was hearing I wouldn’t have some legal matters or bill left in America to never return …

    Next steps are hopefully on the rock and in the underwater world as I have realised my greatest passion lying within the realms of my degree in Marine Science and Ecology, in the Great Outdoors.

    Thanks again!

    I’ll update once more before we pull the give a little and likely start a website for updates, missions in the hills, and conservation.

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  • From Anna

      27 November 2022

    Hey everyone,

    These last few months in New Zealand I have really focused on my recovery and getting back to the bush! My goals are to get back to everything I love doing.

    I appreciate all the love and support from my friends and family I have around me. I’ve been carried and/or been given a piggyback across the sand, to the ocean so I can have a swim. My friends have often taken me for trips out of the hospital to get some yummy food too.

    I’ve been surrounded by awesome amputees who enjoy the outdoors and have encouraged me in my transition to this restart in life.

    I hope I can continue to push myself and heal not only physically but mentally.

    Next week I am leaving Burwood Spinal Unit and entering the wide world. Thank you to each and every one of you for your donations, to helping me get home, for the creativity of your fundraising and for the countless businesses donating to my cause.

    Aroha Nui


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  • Anna's Journey Home - From Anna

      3 October 2022
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    Finally made the journey home thanks to Air Ambulance Australasia and my awesome mum who has been there every step of the way. I was treated with a beautiful scenic flight from Auckland to Christchurch, showcasing our insanely beautiful country, our home. I was super stoked to see my family on the tarmac when I arrived in Christchurch and to be back home with them.

    I am getting out and about way more and loving seeing some progress with my leg. It’s been awesome to have so many friends and family come around and support me here. I feel very loved and thankful for the support I feel from my country and beyond.

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      9 September 2022
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    To all the wonderful donors…

    My family would like to sincerely thank you for all your kind generosity. Each one of you has made a huge difference to Anna’s life and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

    With your funds, we are able to bring Anna home very soon to New Zealand so she can stop paying US medical bills and continue her rehab with family and friends close by her side.

    We honestly could not have done it without you.

    Thank you so much.

    Parsons family.

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  • A big thank you from Anna

      27 August 2022

    Anna has made a special video for all of you amazing people who have donated, fundraised, and supported her in her time of need. Some of you have never known Anna, but you have been so kind! Thank you!

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  • Fund Update

      19 August 2022
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    Thank you to everyone for being so generous.

    Please note costs update:

    The funds being raised will be used for Anna's medical costs in the USA and for bringing her home safely.

    Thank you.

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  • Update on Anna

      13 August 2022
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    Anna has finally finished all her surgeries but she is in lots of pain!

    Today, however, she was hoisted out of bed and into a wheelchair wearing a neck brace and back brace and had some time out of her bed! Small steps!!

    Thank you so much to everyone who has donated towards her medical costs!! You have blown us away with your generous donations. Thank you!

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  • Medical Costs

      11 August 2022

    Anna's medical bills are extensive as you can imagine, we now have a huge goal to try help cover some of the costs of repairing Anna.

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