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Arachnoid cyst surgery for my child

  • Shahzaib's Arachnoid cyst surgery

      30 October 2023
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    I would like to thank each and everyone for supporting us through this hard time.

    Shahzaibs surgery went well Allahumdullilah ( thanks to God). He has been recovering well at home. Now surgeons will see him in a months time then they will decide if the second surgery is necessary.

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    • 31/10/2023 by Imran

      Alhamdulillah. May Allah grant you total Shifa, Ameen!


      15 July 2023
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    Finally got his mri done. Now waiting for the surgeons to contact us.

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    • 15/07/2023 by Saiyad Yusuf

      Thank you everyone for your generosity. May God bless you all in abundance.