3 boys have lost their mother suddenly - help me help my sisters children
It is with immense pain and heartache that I am writing this mere hours after learning that my beautiful younger sister has passed away.
Suddenly and tragically, Tui was rushed into the emergency surgery for heart complications. Tui was a strong, fit and healthy mum to THREE amazing boys and a loving partner to Gordon.
She called me just before her surgery, I got to talk to her - she was smiling and I told her I was on the way. As usual, she told me not to bother, flying from Amsterdam to Melbourne would be a task. After 12 grueling hours, I arrived to my final flight to get the news that she had not made it out of recovery. She died in the presence of her amazing boys, our mum and our oldest sister.
We are all struggling to come to terms with what has happened, with what is still happening.
Tui is survived by Robert-Daymond, a wonderful young boy of 11 years old. Her middle boy, Ruaumoko is 10 a kind and amazing kid. And last but definitely not least our little baby Rongomaiariki who is 2 years old, he's a big boy for his age and his beautiful locks frame his tiny face. Tui, a great mum who gave everything to her kids and mine.
Tui leaves behind Gordon Mako to raise, support and grow these innocent boys into young men without their mama. My heart bleeds for him, the boys my poor mother and sister.
I am asking for any financial assistance you can afford to help Tui's young family to cover the gaping hole that Tui has left. Every little bit helps! Just thinking of the burden a newly widowed and solo parent has to deal with and the hurt along with paying for a funeral and the next stages in their life after his love has passed.
We all know Tui has been there for you and your loved ones, so please dig deep. I will keep updating as much as I can, as more details about her repatriation to New Zealand (Te Araroa) is finalised.
Tui is my sister, and I miss her, soon I will have to bury her, so please forgive the randomness of sentences strung together - Thank you for love, support at this time
My name is Iritana Engels (nee Bristowe) Tui is my sister, my best friend, the super (God) mother to my kids.
With my logistical hat on we need help with funeral arrangements, flights back home, help with the kids schooling and life.
Next step in life 18 February 2020
Hi all,
just a quick update on where we are at. Gordon and the kids are back in Melbourne after a break in Hastings.
Kat and the girls are also back in Melbourne, with Mum in between the two places.
Bo and Andhika are still in Melbourne, helping out with Gordon and generally being an awesome brother.
Myself and Tuwhakairiora are back in the Netherlands working back into some normalcy.
I would like to thank each and everyone of you for donating, from all walks of lives, people we know, that we dont. You have given us immense faith in the community that we humbly serve.
Thank you to our hau kainga in Te Araroa, that kept us going.
Financial Update.
As you all know we had a few major funeral director bills to pay off. Thanks to Elly Patira for fronting the biggest bill in Australia, we were allowed the time to withdraw the funds from this give-a-little effort and repay a large chunk back.
We had a secondary bill in Auckland, this was paid again by our Patira family, and my Uncle Matt. When this campaign ends, the following month we are able to replenish those funds quickly.
If there is anything less, we will give that to Gordon and the boys.
On behalf of Tui, Gordon and the 3 boys - again, your kindness at this time has been overwhelming, received, embraced and wonderful. If in the future we are able to repay your kindness - look out for us.
with love