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Bailleys Road to Recovery

$57,253 donated
Given by 732 generous donors in around 12 months

Please support Bailley and her family as they start their road to recovery.


Bailley Unahi is in her second year at Otago University studying a Bachelor of Science.

In Dunedin on Friday 4th March, Bailley’s world was shattered. She was involved in a freak accident when a balcony collapsed on top of her at a Six60 concert.

She is currently in Burwood Hospital, Christchurch with serious spinal injuries.

Bailley is an outgoing, vibrant and caring 19 year old woman with an infectious laugh and a smile that lights up any room she enters. She is an active sports person who loves rugby, netball basketball and touch. Bailley is a real team player who lives life to the full.

Focus for the family needs to be on Bailley and helping her on her road to recovery. In light of this, they need your financial help to enable them to be with her over the coming months.

We know that the Unahis have always been committed to community causes - it’s now time for us to help them in their time of need.

Latest update

A message from Bailley 11/03/2016  11 March 2016

Just thought I'd share a little bit about what has happened since last weeks incident at the six60 concert. I have broke most of my left ribs, cracked my shoulder and had pretty severe spinal injuries , But I had a successful surgery in Christchurch and have been transferred to Burwood hospital where I will be for a few more months. Still unsure what the outcome will be but we are only hoping for the best. This week has been made a lot easier with all the support from so many generous and caring people. I'm overwhelmed by the kind and thoughtful messages, gifts and donations. I am so appreciative to everyone and would just like to say a big thank you

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Latest donations

Tim on 04 Feb 2017
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 11 Oct 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Oct 2016
Wishing you a successful and speedy recovery. May you be home with your family soon.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Aug 2016
All the best. Stay positive, be strong. I know its not easy
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 Jul 2016

Who's involved?

Andrea Beggs's avatar
Created by Andrea Beggs
Bailley Unahi's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Bailley Unahi
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This campaign started on 7 Mar 2016 and ended on 7 Mar 2017.