National Band of New Zealand

$191 of $10,000 goal
Given by 8 generous donors in 9 weeks

The 2014 National Band of New Zealand have been invited to perform in South-East China and South Korea.


The National Band of New Zealand is selected to showcase New Zealand’s best brass and percussion players and New Zealand’s unique brass repertoire at international concert and contest events.

This year the National Band and Kapa Haka group has been invited by the China Performing Arts Agency (CPAA) to perform concerts over a ten-day period in South-East China from 4 to 14 September and by the Korea International Wind Band Festival (KIWBF) to perform two concerts at the 2014 Festival in Seoul from 16 to 19 September.

The highly professional standard attained by the National Band on past tours makes it difficult to realise that the members are mostly amateur musicians, selected from 52 community bands throughout the nation and representing all walks of life.

Our cause is to raise funds to send the Band and Kapa Haka group on this tour.

About us

Community based brass bands teach people of all ages and experince to play brass and percussion instruments. With a little home practice it doesn't take long for a new player to be able to perform with a training band. And with a lot of practice many players go on to study music and make music their career.

Latest donations

Brent Stewart
Brent Stewart on 14 Aug 2014
Laine L Ratsep
Laine L Ratsep on 10 Aug 2014
Fine bandsmen all, but especially proud of my cohorts in North Shore Brass.
Mary Hiron
Mary Hiron on 08 Aug 2014
Derek Kelsey
Derek Kelsey on 08 Aug 2014
Dianne Smeehuyzen
Dianne Smeehuyzen on 02 Aug 2014
Great idea to use Give a Little

Who's involved?

BBANZ's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, BBANZ (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 29 Jul 2014 and ended on 30 Sep 2014.