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Ben and Friends album fundraiser

  • Thank you ❤️

      30 September 2023
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    Hey everyone

    Just a very short update to say thank you so much. We have achieved the goal we set out to hit to pay for the recording, plus a bit extra! We’re extending the end date of the givealittle page tbe because some people have asked for physical copies of the album and so we will do a VERY limited run of CDs and give them away for a donation….whatever anyone wants to give….on this site.

    This only becomes possible though because of YOU. Your generosity allows me to be generous in sharing this music with others….and to more people who don’t use streaming services etc.

    Also though, it’s still kinda nice to have something tangible isn’t it 😊 so if you would like a CD do let me know and I will send you one with many thanks 🙏

    Thank you once again for your amazing support. It means so much to me personally as well as musically. I have heard a draft mix of a couple of the songs…..and I really can’t wait to share them with you


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  • Whoa we’re halfway there! 😃

      10 August 2023
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    Thank you everyone for your contributions….we are halfway there in our fundraising, and more than halfway through the recording process. Hoping to have some rough mixes by the end of august and a full release mid September. Thank you SO much ❤️

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  • A wee thank you and update

      12 July 2023
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    Hey everyone

    I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have given so far - we are 25% towards our target already! I really appreciate you for jumping onboard early and showing belief in this project. It has been SO encouraging.

    I’m posting regularly about the story behind these songs, the journey so far, and the making of this album on Facebook (,

    and Instagram (

    So if you’d like to know more you can follow me on one of these sites 😊

    I’ve also attached a wee live video of the song “yours alone” that will feature on the album. Hope you enjoy it, and feel free to share if you think others might enjoy it and want to get involved too 😃



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