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The 95bFM Bombathon

$51,977 of $45,000 goal
Given by 621 generous donors in 15 days

Your favourite radio station needs your help to raise $45k, do bigger & better things, and to nourish our community of independent thinkers.


Over its 45-year history, bFM has infiltrated itself into a unique place in the broadcasting spectrum. Nourishing a community of independent thinkers, providing a home for the best music and culture we have to offer, and sending some of New Zealand’s most original and non-crap broadcasters out into jobs where they may finally be able to afford rent.

It’s a legacy that has survived spoiler stations, network radio clout, changing media consumption habits, and the odd own-goal; through our resolute attitude to independence, authenticity, creativity, and the fierce support of a loyal community.

Back in the early 90s before crowdfunding was a thing, that community put their money where their mouths were during weekend pledge-drive campaigns called Bombathons. Once again, bFM calls out to the believers as we bring back the Bombathon to help build the foundation for our next 45 years.

From Monday November 16 to Sunday November 22, bFM’s Bombathon will be a non-stop carnival of broadcasting mayhem, including the live Breakfast Bus each weekday, specialist show outside broadcasts, gold archive moments replayed, live-to-air bands live streamed, special guests and alumni, a Friday night video telethon and on Saturday a special party at Real Groovy Records to release a limited edition 45RPM 12” LP of Darcy Clay’s Jesus I Was Evil with some original band members and special guest vocalists performing cover tributes.

All on-air and off-air activity will be to drive contributions to this Givealittle page in an effort to help fund our growth into digital, better equipment for our volunteers, plus other sexy equipment in need of replacement such as a UPS, Axia node, a lick or two of paint, an FM Exciter and maybe even a second toilet.

We’ve contributed a huge amount to Auckland’s broadcasting, music and arts cultures over the decades, all while operating under the restrictions of a semi-commercial broadcasting licence, and a creative policy that puts authenticity and independence above commercial pressures.

We’re appealing to the community who share our values to help us feed a community of independent thinkers to help shape a more interested and interesting Tamaki Makaurau. It's a hand up for our future, not a hand out for our present

Open your wallets, catch the pay wave, transfer the funds, you can even put the cheque in the mail. We don't mind how you donate, and neither does the IRD, because as a charitable trust it’s all tax deductible.

About us

Campus Radio bFM Limited is registered with Charities Services and has Donee Status for IRD Purposes. The sole shareholder of bFM is the AUSA Media Trust which in turn is owned by the Auckland University Students Association Inc.

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Latest update

bFM's community smash target, and how!  27 November 2015

The 95bFM Bombathon is now over, with current total pledges of $51,976.90. The original target of $45,000 was reached around 5:20pm last Sunday, with official Bombathon activities ending at midnight that evening.

The decision was made to keep the fundraising page open for longer to account for TradeMe auctions that closed this week, and a couple of days of the Givealittle page being intermittently being down following the death of Jonah Lomu.

bFM brought back the Bombathon - a historical fundraising event started in 1990 - to raise funds for new equipment and digital infrastructure.

The week saw multiple outside broadcasts, charity events, dozens of live performances, a Friday night live-streamed telethon, and special guest hosts including Liam Finn, Lawrence Arabia & Anika Moa.

"It was one thing to reach our target, but the validation we received from our community was an incredible bonus," says bFM General Manager Hugh Sundae.

"The hundreds of messages from listeners in Auckland and all around the world really floored the team, and go to show that even after 45 years we're still play a meaningful part in Auckland's cultural landscape."

Attention now turns to working through the shopping list in an orderly fashion. Donors and the wider bFM audience will be kept up to date on our website and social media channels of our purchases as they happen.

95bFM, an independent radio station with charitable status, thanks the hundreds of donors, and dozens of volunteers and companies who contributed to making Bombathon 2015 a success.

For further comment please contact General Manager Hugh Sundae on 021 225 9640.

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Aimee Ralfini –> Andrew McLeod
Aimee Ralfini –> Andrew McLeod on 27 Nov 2015
For the beautiful Andrew McLeod prints please. Yay!
Shona, s_ladyhawk (tm)
Shona, s_ladyhawk (tm) on 26 Nov 2015
Love you bfm, thanks for making my life better for 18yrs. Tu Meke! Thanks Andrew Mcleod too, yay!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Nov 2015
tripodtim on 26 Nov 2015
yay, got Andrew McLeod ART
James, akcarnival, Trademe
James, akcarnival, Trademe on 26 Nov 2015
Thanks for the great art! Ref: Andrew McLeod

Who's involved?

95bFM's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, 95bFM (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 12 Nov 2015 and ended on 27 Nov 2015.