Help Braeden get to Sydney for life saving Leukaemia treatment! Also contribute to his everyday living costs.
After a bone marrow transplant and 6 months of successfully testing negative for ALL leukemia, unfortunately more 'baddie' cells have shown up again in our 26 year olds bone marrow. This means trialling a relatively new medication for leukaemia which has up to a 70% success rate. However, Braeden and his girlfriend will need to move to Sydney for Braeden to receive the medication for around 4 - 5 months. Although the medication will be subsidised, there are still moving and travel costs along with no benefits being available to them for daily cost of living etc. We of course, would also like to travel over to catch up with them, and finally be together, Tara misses her brother so much!!
Airfares, board/rental, food, transport to appointments
So far, so good! 12 April 2023
As this page closes soon I thought I'd update you all on Braeden's progress. Post transplant no 2 he is doing as well as can be expected and is back in his flat, although still isolating due to low immunity levels. From here on it's another nail biting, sleepless nights waiting game! We are of course, trying to remain positive but that's far easier said than done. This has been a hell of a challenge for Braeden, family and friends, not to mention Amanda who has supported him right through. We are so grateful to everyone who has in some small way made the journey so far a little easier. We are once again, making the long trip to Wellington this weekend to catchup but it's worth it just to spend time with our boy.
Love and thanks to everyone 💕
Thanks lovely! We are trying our hardest to be positive.
Thanks so much for your kindness and generosity, it means the world to us!
Thanks so much Craig and Shelley, much appreciated.
Braeden is so very grateful for your friendship and generosity, as are we.
Many thanks lovely, hope you are managing to get some rest!!