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Burial of sons ashes in Nz.

$1,000 of $6,500 goal
Given by 13 generous donors in around 3 months

A Mothers wish... to have a place to visit her only sons headstone and ashes.


This time last year I set up a give a little page for Paul William's (https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/wanting-to-come-home-to-mum-to-die). He was alone in Germany and had been diagnosed with terminal stage 4 liver cancer.

The fundraising was initially to bring Paul home to Nz to be with his Mum and our family for the time he had.

He took a turn for the worse and he would have has to be medi evacuated at a huge cost. It was decided instead that his mum would go to him... which she did in early March 20...thanks to givealittle.

Then along came covid 19.

Paul actually had some treatments.. chemo etc in Leipzig in Germany. He did improve while his mum was with him looking after him. He remained positive that he would live and tried various alternate protocols himself which also seemed to help for a time.... although the tests showed that the cancer was growing and spreading to other parts of his body.

Paul's mum Beverly had to return to Nz after 3 months in June as her Shenglen Visa expired. Paul was doing quite well at that time.

But by mid September he started to have alot of pain and went to a palliative care hospice .He had to have his stoma removed but still he remained hopeful.

He was told however that he had about 3 months to live at most.

He was feeling so bad by this time that he finally gave up and realised he was going to die... so he asked for his mum to go back to Germany.

She was still physically and emotionally drained from her first 3 month stay and had only been home about 8 weeks. But of

course she went.... at the end of September by which time he was in a hospice.

Paul passed away on the 22nd October 2020 at 7.22pm

His x wife and 4 yr old son and a few friends had a service for him.and he was cremated in Leipig. Friends donated for the Undertaker and the cost to send his ashes back to New Zealand to his Mum.

Beverly lives very close to Purewa Cemetery and her wish is... that Paul's ashes be buried there and she would love a headstone with his picture on it. Any help to make her wish come true would be amazing

The cost if this is about $5,000 to $6,000

Thankyou for reading....


Louise Taylor

Use of funds

to pay for burial of ashes, small headstone with photo at purewa cemetery

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Latest update

Help needed now as givealittle finishes  17 April 2021

It is Paul's Mums wish to bury his ashes with a small headstone with a picture on it.

The cost is $5,000 ..

$600 has been raised thanks to those kind people.

We are still away off as you can see...so any last minute donations would be really appreciated.

Realistically Beverly may have to wait until funds can be donated over time in order for her or wish to come true.

Of course her fervent wish would be to have Paul alive and well again.

Thanks again to all who have donated.

We will get there in the end but any further donation will enable it to happen sooner rather than later.

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Latest donations

Daniel on 19 Apr 2021
Louise Taylor

Oh Daniel. You are so generous...once again. Donations have been a little slow to be honest but j guess its understandable as people would rather give to save someone's life. Anyway we have about $900 and that is a big help. Paul's mum is not ready to part with Paul's ashes yet anyway so its a work in progress but we will get there and have a nice memoruim for him soon. Beverly is not coping well at all. We are trying to get her out a bit but she just wants to be alone. Paul is the only person she really had in the whole world that she really loved. Jaheem is so far away and she s not too fond of Sophie confidentially. If only Paul was alive. So sad . But thank you Daniel for your kindness in giving this money.. I will tell Beverly. Kind regards. Louise

Louise Taylor
Judy on 20 Mar 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Mar 2021
Paul was a student there when I wqorked at Selwyn College. A remarkable young man.
Jo-ann on 16 Mar 2021
Louise Taylor

thankyou Jo-ann for your donation. 💚💚

Louise Taylor
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Mar 2021
Warmest wishes in your time of sorrow

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Louise Taylor
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This campaign started on 25 Jan 2021 and ended on 25 Apr 2021.