Raising funds for Shirley for Avastin drug to treat ovarian cancer
Tauranga South, Tauranga
My name is Shirley and I was diagnosed with stage four terminal high grade ovarian serous cancer in 2017 when fluid was discovered on my lungs. When diagnosed the prognosis was dire with a 6% statistical chance of living to five years in this country.
My teenagers were devastated to hear I had a short life expectancy. They have no father to call on.
Chemo from treatment of cancer initially took my hair, ruined my career and the cancer left me and my children traumatized. The trauma still remains.
Currently I have become allergic to the chemotherapy that is keeping me alive and this is the only type available in New Zealand that will help me. Luckily I have been able to combat this with a hypersensitivity protocol. How long this will continue to work is unknown and herein lies the problem. Time is running out.
For those with health insurance there is another expensive drug available but unfortunately I have no health insurance. If we can raise enough funds for this drug called Avastin it will help me remain cancer free for a longer period of time. It’s not a cure but it gives my family and I more time to spend together.
My children have asked me to set up a Give A Little Page to go towards funding this drug. Anything you can donate will help us. Without your help I will likely be struggling to live much longer without a miracle and I want to stay alive as long as possible for the sake of my son and daughter.
Thank you for caring.
The money will be spent on Avastin drug. If I don't meet the target the money will be able to be spent on a certain amount of the drug or failing that if the amount is lower alternative medications and cheap repurposed drugs.
Thank you 21 March 2024
So grateful for your help. Treatment is underway and waiting to see results.
Hi Cindy. Thank you so much. Drop me a message on my Facebook page The Shirley Ryder Show & Shirlz Music and I will get back to you for a time x
Thank you so much xxx
Thanks Nigel. For purpose of the raffle can you please let me know your surname :) Thank you
Done. thanks x
Thank you xx
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