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Cat Zoe was 6 months lost and was found in a very heartbreaking condition

  • A little backlash- but optimistic

      14 January 2024
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    I thank everyone who followed Zoe’s journey and support us. I was very surprised that Zoe’s wound has opened up again. Neither me nor the Vet has any clue how this happened. Luckily it was very clean and could be stapled. Antibiotics and Painkillers will hopefully support the healing. We are optimistic that this is just a tiny backlash. Zoe is very happy with her life. It feels like she knows that she got saved. She has been through so much. Thanks for all the amazing support.

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  • Happy End for Zoe

      30 December 2023
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    Zoe is finally healed and since two days she is allowed to go out. She is enjoying her life as a healthy cat again. Thanks to everyone who chipped in to give some relief with the enormous vet bill. I appreciate this. Lots of Love from Tanja and Zoe.

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  • Finally Progress

      19 December 2023
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    It looks like the Skin transplant has worked and the infection has gone back. Yesterday the stitches came off and the vet is happy with the progress. Zoe had living in a dog crate for nearly two months now to restrict her movement. Since yesterday she is allowed to run through the house and she loves it. Thanks for everyone that has helped to contribute to the big bill. Help me by sharing her page as it’s up for two more weeks. It was a tough financial decision to go for the surgery. But as there were only two options I chose Zoe for sure. So happy that it looks positive. Saturday is her next Vet visit.

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