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Save Caffeinated Dragon Games

$14,290 of $30,000 goal
Given by 73 generous donors in 7 weeks

Caffeinated Dragon is at risk of closing due to nearby works and lack of support from Wellington City Council and needs help relocating.


Caffeinated Dragon Games is in danger of closing in the coming month due to ongoing construction at the Wellington Central Library, and lack of support from the Wellington City Council (WCC). We're running this donation page to ask for support regarding the costs that we need to move location away from the fumes, sound and disturbance that impacts our working environment and your gaming space.

We've been energised and are grateful for the community support to date. We plan to support the community in return, with plans that include a Quiet Hour for the Neurodivergent and greater work with the Rainbow Community as not just a safe space but also helping with events and fundraising.

Use of funds

Moving our business to a new location. If we do not reach our goal the funds will assist with costs, including overdue rent and anything that helps us survive as a viable part of the community.

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Latest update

Giving back as we can  29 June 2024

Hi all,

Perhaps you've seen our social media update, it's long, but the short of it, the part we're proud of, is we donated several games, free coffee cards and free passes to our Games Library to Ronald McDonald House Wellington.

We've always given where we could, and now we're in trouble we feel it's more important than ever to give to the community what we can while we can.

Stay tuned for more updates, and more hard work from us to build a better community despite of outside events.

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Latest donations

Dave 1 day ago
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 4 days ago
Liam on 20 Jul 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Jul 2024
Jeremy Baker
Jeremy Baker on 17 Jul 2024

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Caffeinated Dragon Games (Business)
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This campaign started on 4 Jun 2024 and ends on 31 Aug 2024.